Life Just Doesn't Get Any "Cuter" Than This!
Isn't she just adorable and the nightgown is pretty cute as well. This pretty nighty pattern is downloadable at If you have a little lady in your life you might want to check out Olabelhe. Her patterns are so easy and soooo cute! She even has kits available.
My little Jessica came over to see me today so we had a sewing day and she went home with her own version. I think she liked it!
It's Time for Another Change
Yesterday I decided I needed to completely rearrange my studio - not just move a few things around, but a complete redo. The photo above was just the beginning. . .
Found some great thread trays at my favorite local quilt store - The Sewing Palace.
And look. . . a new laptop! Wow, do I love it! It's sooooo fast!
I'll be back soon. I've got lot's of new fabric and projects to share.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend and, of course, don't forget to visit How Sweet The Sound's Pink Saturday!
Goodbye Old Friends
The past few weeks have been technologically challenging and a little sad. First my camera went kaput and then a week or so later my laptop crashed! In other words - my world nearly collapsed! Yes, I am that attached to my laptop and my camera. The camera had no good reason to quit working and I was totally devastated for an hour or two - then I got online and found a bigger and better replacement! The laptop, on the other hand, put me right over the edge! I did what I could to try to bring it back to life but nothing worked. My daughter, the super-tech who is always there when I have one of my "breakdowns", was out of town for a few days so I had to "buck up" and hold it together until she got home. Monday morning I had it all packed up and ready for her. She was able to get it running but it's heart (I mean hard drive) is unstable - it is 8 years old, which is ancient in computer years. So I am shopping for a new one before this one completely bytes the dust (hee, hee).
Don't forget to visit Pink Saturday at How Sweet The Sound!
It's a Beautiful Day
This morning I went out to water my garden and this beautiful creature was visiting. The colors were so beautifully saturated I couldn't resist taking photos. This may be an ordinary sight to some of you but this is Montana and we only see colors like this for a very short time it seems, so it's exciting to have something this lovely to photograph.
Now this is Erin, my daughter, and Stella. They are relatively new friends but as you can see the bond is already strong. I think they are both beautiful! Erin believes very strongly in bonding with her horses and that horses reflect what's in your heart. I agree with her and truly enjoy watching them and trying to capture their love in a photo.
Hope you have a beautiful day and be sure to drop in on Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound!
This is an even more beautiful sight to me! This is Casey my granddaughter, and Dazzle! Doesn't Dazzle have that "I'm gonna get ya" kind of look! And yes, she has one blue eye, which gives her an even more mischievous look. They are both sweethearts though and there is a real friendship going on here. They are both crazy teenagers having fun!
Now this is Erin, my daughter, and Stella. They are relatively new friends but as you can see the bond is already strong. I think they are both beautiful! Erin believes very strongly in bonding with her horses and that horses reflect what's in your heart. I agree with her and truly enjoy watching them and trying to capture their love in a photo.
Hope you have a beautiful day and be sure to drop in on Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound!
Where Bloggers Create 2011
Today I'm joining up with Where Bloggers Create at My Desert Cottage and Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound and, because I just got back from sunny (hot) California to visit my 85-year-old Mom and have been preoccupied with the fact that she needs me now and I live 1200 miles away (yes there is major guilt), I didn't get any new photos of my studio taken. Although there have been some changes, overall my studio still looks like this - only messier!
This is Charlie and he is a very big part of the decor as well as the sweetest little guy ever!
This area changed a little when I added the "Ultimate Craft Table."
This is the "Ultimate Crafting Table"! Love it!
This wood stove and brick hearth were on our "to get-rid-of list" but I hardly notice them anymore being that they are surrounded with storage. I'm fairly certain they will still be here next year for Where Bloggers Create 2012.
This is much better! Charlie found a warm, soft spot to count squirrels. . .
My studio is in the basement but I have this wonderful window so I don't feel like I'm in the basement at all.
These peonies temporarily replaced the feathers. They grow in the middle of our pasture, which was part of our backyard at one time. The horses don't bother them and every year we get these beautiful peonies.
There are other photos of my studio throughout my blog and I'm sure there will be more to come. I love to rearrange things and by doing so now and then, I get a fresh start with everything in it's place - wherever that place may be. . . It's such a nice feeling!
Thank you Karen for putting on this event! It's great to see what inspires and motivates other bloggers. I think we all need our space whether it's a room in the basement or our favorite chair in front of the TV!
And Beverly. . . thank you so much for Pink Saturday. You always have wonderful guests with lovely blogs. Thank you both!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Just a Little More . . .
I've been told that I have no room left in my studio for anything else! Oh my goodness, there is always room for a little more - as long as it is pink or just pretty!
Found this pretty bow at a thrift store for $1.00. It just needed a little paint. It doesn't have a home yet but never fear pretty bow - as I said before, there is always room for pink in this house!
The table I had in this corner of my studio was beginning to bow from the weight of my two printers and lots of other odds and ends. These cubes were clearance price and are absolutely perfect. They are nice and sturdy and I have more storage now than I need (at the moment).
Oh, by the way, my petunias survived!!! They are still recovering but they are blooming again! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, nice weather and lots of fun! Don't forget to visit Pink Saturday!
What Happened to the Petunias?
I'm so happy to say that I had the good sense (which doesn't happen all that often) to take photos of these lovely terra cotta petunias a few days ago. They were a Mother's Day gift from my daughter and (world's greatest) son-in-law.
They just bloomed and the color was incredible!
I just couldn't get enough photos!
We have had a very late Spring this year so I haven't planted any flowers yet and only a few perennials have come up. June 1 was my planned planting date but it was raining that day so I didn't plant - thank goodness!
In the middle of the night we had a serious hail storm. It woke us up and we laid in bed watching the sheet lightning but at 3:00 am it didn't occur to me to go out and cover the petunias. You can see what I'm getting at. . . no more petunias. Well, that's not true. There are a few injured blooms left that withstood the beating and the plant overall may survive.
Needless to say the horses are still here but the blooms are gone.
Aren't these pretty girls, Blaze and Stella, just dazzling framed in pink!
Blaze had enough posing - she's heading for the barn!
I'm linking up with Pink Saturday. Take a peek at all the beautiful posts if you have a few minutes. You can find them at How Sweet the Sound.
Thank you Beverly!
Happy 3rd Birthday Pink Saturday! Living in a "cave" like I do, I had no idea there were so many other crazy (about) pink people out there until stumbling across them after becoming a blogger a year ago. I look forward to Saturdays, getting my pink eye-candy fix and meeting some lovely ladies as well.
So thank you Beverly for introducing all of us and Happy Birthday!
Bad Blogger
I've been a very bad blogger! I have been so focused on getting some patterns done that I just sort of fell off the grid! I'm so happy this one is completely finished and my Kristina Elizabeth (Kris-e) loves it! The pink one is her favorite. Yes, a girl after my own heart!
Hope you all had a great Mother's Day. We had a wonderful day! The very best gift I received was from my oldest daughter. She has been suffering from severe headaches, eye pain, vision problems and unbearable light sensitivity for weeks (this was the second similar episode in nearly a year). MS was suspected and after MRIs, MRAs, nuclear medicine tests and all sorts of ophthalmology tests - still no diagnosis and no relief. She went to the dentist last week and he found her wisdom tooth was pressing on nerves in her face and sent her immediately to an oral surgeon - within an hour she had complete relief of all her symptoms. There had been no toothache, face pain or anything to suggest it might be a dental problem so it came as a complete shock that something so simple could be so debilitating. She text'd me the other day "it's so nice to wake up and feel good. I'm excited to go to work!" I cried!

Hope you all had a great Mother's Day. We had a wonderful day! The very best gift I received was from my oldest daughter. She has been suffering from severe headaches, eye pain, vision problems and unbearable light sensitivity for weeks (this was the second similar episode in nearly a year). MS was suspected and after MRIs, MRAs, nuclear medicine tests and all sorts of ophthalmology tests - still no diagnosis and no relief. She went to the dentist last week and he found her wisdom tooth was pressing on nerves in her face and sent her immediately to an oral surgeon - within an hour she had complete relief of all her symptoms. There had been no toothache, face pain or anything to suggest it might be a dental problem so it came as a complete shock that something so simple could be so debilitating. She text'd me the other day "it's so nice to wake up and feel good. I'm excited to go to work!" I cried!

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